They depict the difficult times they lived through when they had to move from their home country to start a new and a better life.
This real story was written with passion, since you can actually feel all the stress and enthusiasm.
They show the amount of creativity and courage you need to find answers to new and unexpected challenges.
As immigrants we share similar stories trying to find the "Canadian Dream".
Coming to Canada - Part 1
"Back in 1999, things weren't looking good for us. … Gaby found an ad from the Canadian Embassy on the newspaper, in which they were inviting IT professionals to attend an informative seminar."
Coming to Canada - Part 2
"Our decision was made, we were going to Canada."
Coming to Canada - Part 3
"from Buenos Aires to Atlanta, GA; then to Toronto, and finally from Toronto to Saint John, NB."
Coming to Canada - Part 4
"My job search was also going badly: nobody was calling me back or replying my e-mails, and I couldn't get any jobs … I remember applying for positions at places like Zeller's, Burger King, Dominion Supermarket and Tim Hortons. But nobody called me."
Coming to Canada - Part 5
"Gaby arrived on Dec. 20, after one hell of a trip. Imagine, a 15-hours flight alone with three kids ages 5, 3 and 2, and your English is not very good yet. She looked like she was going to cry when I first saw her, and the first thing she said was 'Never again. I'm not doing this ever again'. "
Coming to Canada - Part 6
"I wasn't getting any jobs, and became so depressed that I would cry as I was walking down the streets. I was really shattered."
Coming to Canada - Part 7
"I had nothing. No money, no job, now I didn't even have a computer … "
Coming to Canada - Part 8
"I had finally found a job, and it was in my area. "
Coming to Canada - Part 9
"Things were finally looking good."
Coming to Canada - Part 10
"We had just gone through a terrible week. I had lost my job on Friday, and that was the second year in a row that it had happened … We were still living paycheque to paycheque then, so I had no money to buy food until then."
Coming to Canada - Part 11
"I had three different interviews within an hour, and they made me the job offer right on the spot."
"We'll go through good times, but also through bad times. We will never give up. No matter how many times I had that thought during our first year here, we never did, and we're finally living the kind of life we thought we would have before we left Argentina."
Coming to Canada - The pictures (1)
Coming to Canada - The pictures (2)
15 comentarios:
Muchísimas gracias por la mención, Arturo!
Justo estoy trabajando en la versión PDF de ambos relatos, en inglés y en español.
Espero ansioso comentarios de tus lectores...
Me hizo acordar a la canción esta:
Don't Give Up de Peter Gabriel
Aquí va de nuevo la cancion:
Don't Give Up
Ok, it was really interesting and scaring as well! (at least for all of us, waiting for a future in Canada).
But I have a question: Why this post is only available in english?
Perhaps there are some of your readers who won't understand it, I think...
O quizás me equivoque...
Lo cierto es que me encantó la relación ordenada de los hechos, a veces verlo así tan de frente golpea en nuestra cara la realidad de lo que nos espera, especialmente cuanto más difícil es el acceso al ejercicio profesional, como en mi caso.
Y qué hace falta? Algo que Gabriel tuvo, igual que todos ustedes que establecen y re-establecen sus vidas en un nuevo país, en un nuevo hogar: VALOR!.
Realmente todos son dignos de admiración por el empeño, la fuerza y el coraje.
Por eso, SALUD!
El post no esta sólo disponible en inglés; cada una de los capítulos está en inglés primero, luego en español, como (casi) todo mi blog. O es que te refieres al post de Arturo?
Gracias a ambos (Irmi y Gus) por sus comentarios.
Sí, Gabriel, me refería al post de Arturo, es que él nos tiene acostumbrados a no esforzarnos y dárnoslo todo bien meditado, pesado, medido y en español... lo cual no es ni mejor ni peor, sólo diferente a tu blog.
Ahora bien, lo que dije del valor, empeño, fuerza y coraje, eso va para todos: para vos, para Arturo, para Gus, para sus respectivas familias y para todos los migrantes que no arrugan, que no tiran la toalla, para todos...
Un abrazo
Nuevamente, muchas gracias, Irmi.
Si te fijas en los últimos tres post de Arturo, hay uno en inglés, uno con titulo en francés y uno en español. Para mí que está alardeando! :-)
(Ya se viene un post en alemán)
Des un principio me di cuenta que era la historia de El Gabo.... inspiradora!!!! Gracias por la referencia... pero me la habia leido ya de cabo a rabo....Saludos!
Arturo, te falto la última parte! :-)
Nuevamente, te agradezco mucho la 'promoción'.
Sigo leyendo mi propia historia y no puedo creer que todo esto me paso a mí.
Acabo de agregar el epilogo, se me olvido...
Me descubriste.
No sera aleman, ya veras proximamente.
Es toda una odisea la que vivio Gabriel, ya se que muchos de los lectores ya la habian visto pero seguramente varios no estaban enterados.
"It's scaring!"
It really is.
I really appreciate your kind words.
I am planning to enhance the audience, to include some non-Spanish speaking people.
For that reason I will start posting -a few- ones either in French or English.
Best Regards
Me gusta que postees en varios idiomas... asi practicamos TODOS!!!!
Ya te respondí por tu tunel... Saludos...
If it works for you, it also works for us.
This is your blog, and we are your followers, hungry for knowledge!.
We will follow your thoughts anyway, in any language! Even in chinese, urdu or whatever it be ;D
(Thanks, Mr. Gates, for the internet and web-based translations! hahaha)
Best regards
Arturo, feliz año! Han pasado casi dos meses y me siguen viniendo lectores desde tu blog a pegarle una ojeada a esta historia.
Como había prometido cuando publicaste este post, hice los archivos PDF con la historia en español y en inglés. Ambos pueden ser encontrados aquí.
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